
Lowongan Kerja PT Darmex Agro

Our plantations are located in Riau and Kalimantan. While Darmex Agro's core business in Palm Oil Mills, Plantation and Refinery, it's portfolio has expanded to include various processing and storage facilities as well as shipping infrastructure. The swift expansion of PT. Darmex Agro in these various fields allows it the extensively integrate the complex processes in supplying high quality palm based derivatives in a timely and efficient manner.Headquartered in Jakarta, Darmex Agro currently employs more than 13,000 staff in Indonesia.

Finance Supervisor

    Male/ female
    Min. Bachelor Degree in Accounting
    Min. 3 years working experience as Finance Spv in Palm Oil Company or Public Accountant Office (Big four)

Kirim Lamaran lengkap maksimal 1 minggu setelah iklan tayang
PT. Darmex Agro
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said blok X2/ kav. 6
Kuningan-Jakarta Selatan
Email: recruiter@darmexagro.com

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